July 25, 2024

DoNex/DarkRace Ransomware Decryptor

Computest Sector 7 was asked by Team High-Tech Crime of the Dutch Police to help with writing a decryptor for the DoNex/DarkRace ransomware. DoNex is a relatively new ransomware group, which probably explains why its encryptor contains a simple to abuse mistake. It appears to be the same group that was working under the name DarkRace last year, as the DoNex encryptor we investigated is essentially the same as a DarkRace encryptor we looked at.

November 10, 2016

Observium - unauthenticated remote code execution

During a recent penetration test we found and exploited various issues in Observium, a popular networking monitoring platform. The vulnerabilities lead us from unauthenticated user to full shell access as root.

August 18, 2016

cSRP/srpforjava - obtaining of hashed passwords

In this blog we’ll look at an interesting vulnerability in some implementations of a widely used authentication protocol; Secure Remote Password (SRP). We’ll dive into the cryptography details to see what implications a little mathematical oversight has for the security of the whole protocol.

June 30, 2016

StartEncrypt - obtaining valid SSL certificates for unauthorized domains

Recently, we found a critical vulnerability in StartCom’s new StartEncrypt tool, that allows an attacker to gain valid SSL certificates for domains he does not control. While there are some restrictions on what domains the attack can be applied to, domains where the attack will work include google.com, facebook.com, live.com, dropbox.com and others.
